Blog — onyx

Black Crystals

Posted by Heather Burket on

In this week’s post, I thought I’d focus on just black crystals. As a Scorpio, I do not shy away from the dark side, so this is familiar turf for me. There are so many beautiful colored crystals, so why would we even look at black crystals? Well, black crystals serve very important functions – especially if you are an empath. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the following black crystals: Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Shungite and Obsidian. Black Tourmaline I feel like a broken record when it comes to Black Tourmaline. If anyone ever asks me...

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Crystals to Increase Intuition

Posted by Heather Burket on

This week I thought we’d take a look at crystals that increase intuition. What exactly is intuition? Intuition is your being able to hear and follow your own inner guidance. A few examples are: being able to make the right decisions, receive hunches to follow up on, and being able to read situations clearly. There are several different ways to increase intuition – through meditation, energy clearing practices, getting outside in nature, grounding, journaling and finally – crystals! How exactly do crystals work to increase our intuition? If you understand that we are energetic beings and we are constantly giving...

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Crystals for the Root Chakra

Posted by Heather Burket on

In this article, I’ll cover the root chakra – some basics and then we’ll deep dive into how to support the root chakra with crystals. First, what is the root chakra? Chakras are energy vortices located in your body – from the base of your body up to the top of your head. Generally – we usually discuss the 7 main chakras, although there are more than that. The root chakra is the ‘base’ chakra, or the one located just on the bottom of your torso – towards the spine. It is also where the Kundalini energy resides, or your...

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