Blog — prehnite
Crystals for New Beginnings - 2025
Posted by Heather Burket on
The start of a New Year sets us up to make changes. It’s a time of reflection and a time to look ahead at what we want to see in our lives – from our health, our finances, things we want to accomplish, new things to try and places to explore. To me, some years don’t even feel like a New Year, it just feels like a continuation. This year truly feels like the kick-off of the New Year and something to celebrate. Do you feel this way too? If you are like me and live somewhere where fireworks are...
Crystals for Aura Protection
Posted by Heather Burket on
What is an aura? An aura is your energetic field that emanates from you and surrounds your physical body from approximately 18 inches to 3 feet. You may have heard of someone having an ‘aura reading.’ The color of the aura can provide information about that person. If you are interested in learning more about aura colors and their meaning – I’d refer you to Pamela Aaralyn. If you want to practice seeing your own aura – I’d stand in front of a mirror with a white background. You can put a piece of white cardboard behind you if you...