Blog — amethyst

Crystals to Increase Intuition

Posted by Heather Burket on

This week I thought we’d take a look at crystals that increase intuition. What exactly is intuition? Intuition is your being able to hear and follow your own inner guidance. A few examples are: being able to make the right decisions, receive hunches to follow up on, and being able to read situations clearly. There are several different ways to increase intuition – through meditation, energy clearing practices, getting outside in nature, grounding, journaling and finally – crystals! How exactly do crystals work to increase our intuition? If you understand that we are energetic beings and we are constantly giving...

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Crystals for the Garden

Posted by Heather Burket on

Crystals for the Garden   When it comes to garden décor, crystals are the perfect choice. They are a natural element that add to the garden on so many levels – beauty, consciousness, vibration and enchantment! But before we get into crystals, let’s first talk a little bit about plants. I can’t say enough good things about plants. A lot of people think that plants are difficult. While some plants may require special care, most plants will thrive once they are planted in the yard if they are watered as necessary and placed in the right sun/shade environment. Potted plants...

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Can Crystals Help with Anxiety?

Posted by Heather Burket on

I hear a lot of people talk about anxiety, and I thought I would delve into this topic a bit. Throughout my life, this is something that I’ve experienced in varying degrees off and on. There are always going to be situations in life which can cause anxiety of some sort. Chronic/Daily Anxiety If anxiety is something that is experienced on a daily basis or causes interference in one’s life – I’d recommend seeing a qualified therapist who can assist you. Are you sensitive to Energy? Are you an Empath? One thing that I wonder, is if people who are...

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