Can Crystals Help with Anxiety?

Posted by Heather Burket on

I hear a lot of people talk about anxiety, and I thought I would delve into this topic a bit. Throughout my life, this is something that I’ve experienced in varying degrees off and on. There are always going to be situations in life which can cause anxiety of some sort.

Chronic/Daily Anxiety

If anxiety is something that is experienced on a daily basis or causes interference in one’s life – I’d recommend seeing a qualified therapist who can assist you.

Are you sensitive to Energy? Are you an Empath?

One thing that I wonder, is if people who are experiencing anxiety, are actually sensitive to energy? People that are sensitive to energy are called “Empaths.” I have been an empath all of my life, and it wasn’t only until a few years ago that I realized that I was one. It has been very helpful for me in better understanding myself as well as learning how to manage being sensitive.

People who are sensitive to energy may experience anxiety being around a lot of people because you are actually being bombarded with everyone’s energy and emotions and this can cause one to feel overwhelmed. I have learned different tools and techniques in order to manage this form of anxiety.

I personally avoid shopping at peak hours and instead shop in the early morning in order to manage my tasks with the least amount of stress. Christmas shopping? Forget it – thank God for online shopping!

However, there are some times when you cannot avoid crowds, such as while traveling – airports and public transportation. Here is a list of things you can do in order to minimize your anxiety.

Before leaving your house:

1. Conduct energy clearing and shielding.

a. Imagine a white light coming from above you – from Source. Imagine this light going all through your chakras starting from you crown all the way to your root chakra. Then, imagine the light going all the way down to the middle of the earth, then back up through your chakras starting with the root chakra all the way to your heart chakra. Imagine this white light beaming out from your heart chakra in all directions.

b. Imagine a white think protective shield that surrounds you – approximately 2-3 feet from your body all around you. You can play with different colors inside this shield, maybe make it pink with little sparkly glitter, or green – like the northern lights. Make it fun!

2. Meditate for 15 minutes to help build your internal energy and establish inner calm

While out:

  1. Wear a black tourmaline pendant, or bring a piece of black tourmaline with you. Other protective crystals for empaths include: jet, aquamarine, citrine and aqua aura (one I personally wear as a pendant)
  2. Listen to calming music such as Tibetan Singing Bowls. Try the “Insight Timer” app – there are tons of great free meditative music to listen to
  3. Try to find an area with less people if possible

Situational Anxiety

And then there are situations which may cause a sense of anxiety. These are various things that we may encounter during life which we can’t necessarily always avoid, but can trigger uncomfortable feelings.

Public Speaking

If you are anxious and nervous about public speaking, there are a few crystals that can assist. As I’ve mentioned in one of my previous posts, the throat chakra governs communication, so you would want to look for blue crystals that are associated with that chakra. Some of these would include:

  • Apatite (public speaking)
  • Blue kyanite (public speaking)
  • Sodalite (verbalization of feelings)
  • Blue calcite (clear communication)
  • Blue lace agate (allows for greater self-expression)


If the issue is more about lacking confidence in a situation, then I would focus on crystals that assist with the solar plexus chakra. Some of these include:

  •  Tiger’s eye
  • Pyrite
  • Citrine

 Tests, or other stressful situations

 To calm the mind, below are a few crystals which may assist:

  • Lepidolite (reduces stress and obsessive thoughts)
  • Rainbow fluorite
  • Amethyst
  • Aquamarine

Being Ungrounded

Another cause of anxiety, could just be from being ungrounded. There are a few different reasons why you may become ungrounded – drinking coffee makes me ungrounded, not being ‘in your body’ – being in your head. Being in high energy places or being overstimulated. It’s important to stay grounded and there a few ways to get grounded:

  • Physically put your feet on the ground and just be in nature in general.
  • Meditation practices (as listed above)
  • Eating grounding foods – such as potatoes
  • Using grounding crystals: black tourmaline, hematite, red jasper, smoky quartz

    As you can see, it’s important to  spend some time understanding your own personal situation in order to find the best remedy for you. My hope is that you get better in touch with the triggers that make you feel uncomfortable and work towards finding the best remedy in order to alleviate your anxiety.

    Have you worked with any crystals that have helped you with your anxiety? If so, please feel free to share in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you!

    Love, light and gratitude,









    As you can see, it’s important to learn spend some time understanding your own personal situation in order to find the best remedy for you. My hope is that you get better in touch with the triggers that make you feel uncomfortable and work towards finding the best remedy in order to alleviate your anxiety.

    Have you worked with any crystals that have helped you with your anxiety? If so, please feel free to share in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you!

    Love, light and gratitude,









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