
How to Create an Abundance Altar

Posted by Heather Burket on

I just created an abundance altar and wanted to share it with you in case you wanted to create one for yourself. An altar is a dedicated intentional space. Altars are a great way to help focus energy on your desires – whether it’s a relationship/love, abundance/wealth, peace, and harmony or whatever else you want to bring more into your life. You can buy a special table specific for your altar or dedicate a space on an existing table or shelf. There are various items that you can add to your altar. One thing that I have learned is that...

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Black Crystals

Posted by Heather Burket on

In this week’s post, I thought I’d focus on just black crystals. As a Scorpio, I do not shy away from the dark side, so this is familiar turf for me. There are so many beautiful colored crystals, so why would we even look at black crystals? Well, black crystals serve very important functions – especially if you are an empath. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the following black crystals: Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Shungite and Obsidian. Black Tourmaline I feel like a broken record when it comes to Black Tourmaline. If anyone ever asks me...

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How to Cleanse Crystals

Posted by Heather Burket on

Yeah! A new year – finally! I don’t think we, as a collective, have ever been so happy to see a year in the rear-view mirror as we have for 2020! I know it’s been a tough year for so many people, myself included. It’s been challenging on so many levels. I do sincerely wish everyone peace, joy, and love for the upcoming year! Like everyone else, I too, had to adjust to the new “normal”, but I am ready to kick this year off with a positive attitude and go full steam ahead with life. I know everyone has...

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2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Posted by Heather Burket on

2020 Christmas Gift Guide Well I don’t know about you, but I am and have been looking forward to the holidays this year. After all of the change, chaos, unknown and social isolation, I think I’m ready to have at least some sort of normalcy with celebrating a lifelong tradition of Christmas. The last 2 years, I actually have not decorated as a result of hosting the previous year and being completely worn out by getting the house ready for family – including buying bed linens, blankets, planning the food menus and grocery lists, decorating the house – inside and...

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Crystals to Increase Intuition

Posted by Heather Burket on

This week I thought we’d take a look at crystals that increase intuition. What exactly is intuition? Intuition is your being able to hear and follow your own inner guidance. A few examples are: being able to make the right decisions, receive hunches to follow up on, and being able to read situations clearly. There are several different ways to increase intuition – through meditation, energy clearing practices, getting outside in nature, grounding, journaling and finally – crystals! How exactly do crystals work to increase our intuition? If you understand that we are energetic beings and we are constantly giving...

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