Posted by Heather Burket on
This week we are going to talk about aventurine. Aventurine may or may not be a crystal that you have heard of before. But I was inspired to pick this crystal to talk about this week because where I live it’s spring time and all of the plants have put on their new leaves for the season and everything is looking very lush. Aventurine is this bright green cheery gem that perfectly reflects the newness of the season. So let’s dive in! First let’s go over some crystal basics: Aventurine is a type of quartz. It is quite translucent and...
Tiger's Eye Crystal
Posted by Heather Burket on
Mesmerizing, intriguing, fascinating – what crystal are we talking about here? That could probably describe a lot of crystals if you are a fellow crystalholic – lol! But this week we are focusing on the mesmerizing Tiger’s Eye! Most of us are most familiar with the brown/golden tiger’s eye – but did you know that Tiger’s eye actually comes in a variety of colors? Yes, this little lovely stone with its dimensional shimmers that take us on a fantasy ride within its patterns comes in blue and red as well! So, let’s take a closer look at this little gem....
Crystals for the Root Chakra
Posted by Heather Burket on
In this article, I’ll cover the root chakra – some basics and then we’ll deep dive into how to support the root chakra with crystals. First, what is the root chakra? Chakras are energy vortices located in your body – from the base of your body up to the top of your head. Generally – we usually discuss the 7 main chakras, although there are more than that. The root chakra is the ‘base’ chakra, or the one located just on the bottom of your torso – towards the spine. It is also where the Kundalini energy resides, or your...
Crystals for Aura Protection
Posted by Heather Burket on
What is an aura? An aura is your energetic field that emanates from you and surrounds your physical body from approximately 18 inches to 3 feet. You may have heard of someone having an ‘aura reading.’ The color of the aura can provide information about that person. If you are interested in learning more about aura colors and their meaning – I’d refer you to Pamela Aaralyn. If you want to practice seeing your own aura – I’d stand in front of a mirror with a white background. You can put a piece of white cardboard behind you if you...
My Top 5 Crystal Experiences
Posted by Heather Burket on
I thought I’d do something a little different in today’s article and talk about a few personal experiences that I’ve had working with crystals. But before I do, it’s probably a good idea to talk a little about my background. My background is science – I have a degree in Microbiology and a Masters in Hazardous Materials Management. Although I’m very scientifically minded, I’m also very open and have always been intrigued by spirituality and asking the deeper questions in life. Even though I am open, if you would have mentioned crystals and the concept of their healing ability to...